
Hello. My name is Ram Ratan Maurya, and I’m a Software Engineer from India.

I’m also the co-founder of Codestag and AnalogWP. I write and do things around WordPress whether be answering people on Stack Overflow, writing open-source code on GitHub, or contributing to WordPress Core.

I have been doing a great amount of WordPress coding for a while (since 2012 to be precise) and launched my theme shop Codestag.

A Little Personal Stuff

I Grew up in Varanasi, India. While completing my graduation I found my ultimate passion for the web and I started exploring the web world by myself. In the early days I started sneaking around blogs, Lynda.com tutorials, however, these days treehouse is my new favorite, apart from that I started practicing with WordPress on localhost and today I can call myself a certified* WordPress Developer.  Not just that, I love designing but in the early days I was a big sucker for the designing part thanks to folks like Chris Coyier, Sacha Greif, and many more. I die to have a word with these gurus.


Twitter: @mauryaratan
For informal, quick contact and questions, feel free to fire me a Tweet!

Email: [email protected]
For longer inquiries and questions, please consider sending me an email.