Two Years with WordPress

It’s been exactly two years today since I started working with WordPress and that was the best decision I made ever. I’ve been always thinking of giving back to the community but always ended up with an excuse of not knowing how to.

In past 2 years, I’ve done more than 50 sites on WordPress but I stopped doing client work from last Feb since I started my own venture Codestag with John Fraskos. Since then we’ve released quite a number of quality themes with thousands of happy customers.

Lately I started receiving e-mails for some help and it felt nice to provide them with a solution. I often find myself reporting issues with WordPress plugins on Github, discussing on other WordPress news related sites and sometimes on WordPress StackExchange but it’s time to do something more than that. And then decided to contribute to WordPress core.

So how I am going to do it?

I recently read a post by Luc Princen on making a decision to contribute to WP Core for an hour every week and instantly got inspired. So I’m joining him in this race and will be contributing to for one or two hours on weekends.

I’no idea yet where I will start from, probably testing some patches, edit some documents or something else.

I’ll be posting the updates here, make sure you follow me on twitter in case you are interested to keep updated with the progress.


  1. chuck mailen Avatar
    chuck mailen

    Excellent choice! I read the same post by Luc Princen and considered doing the same thing. Right at the moment I think I’ll hold off, I’m split in so many directions that I worry my focus is blurring. For the time being I think I’ll focus on improving the PlugIns I have in the repository, once I feel good about those I’m going to follow your example.

    1. Ram Ratan Maurya Avatar

      That’s nice, it’s always better to improve what you already have. Also I hope both Luc and I would be able to help you get started. Cheers!

  2. Luc Princen Avatar
    Luc Princen

    Nice post, thanks for the pingback! 🙂

    Yeah, my goal is to eventually get a simple manual / maybe a talk out of this experience detailing the pitfalls and hopefully busting some of the ‘contribution-myths’… I’m excited to see where it goes..

  3. Marc Avatar

    Awesome post. I wonder, in 2 years until when you started to work on actual development for clients. The time when you thought your learning process is over.

    1. Ram Ratan Maurya Avatar

      Hey Marc,

      I was ready after 3-4 months of learnings and working on a few projects for friends and some of my own. The learnings process was never over, however. It’s always on 🙂

      1. Marc Avatar

        Thanks for your reply Ram. You are very talented. I often visit your portfolio on ThemeForest.
        Also, I have started learning JavaScript lately. Would it take time to master it. I want to develop games and all other stuffs.

        1. Ram Ratan Maurya Avatar

          Glad to know that you like our themes.

          Mastering any skills is different for me, the only way you can master a language is by learning everyday, keeping yourself up to date, continuous practice and implementations.

          Rest depends on you, how good you’re at learning things.

          All the best 🙂

          1. Marc Avatar

            Thanks Ram for helping out. Waiting for your Crux theme 🙂

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